Dribbble Success: Work-in-Progress


Dribbble Success: Work-in-Progress

​Screenshot of Dribbble with my art in 4th place.

There's a lively community of creative people at Dribbble.com. It's somewhat like Twitter for artists. Like many members, I use it to share progress of illustrations and designs that I'm currently working on. Sometimes I solicit feedback from the community. Sometimes I just want to share.

The Art Deco school entrance.

Lately I've been working on a poster series of historic schools in Boulder. I can't share the full finished pieces until after they are all complete, so I've only shown small details. Last Thursday night, I posted this entrance of an Art Deco school. Then I went to bed. I woke up the next morning to find it became very popular on Dribbble. Throughout Friday, it climbed to the 4th most popular image on the entire site! It was by far my best performing post which was a great feeling. Per Dribbble's algorithms, it eventually fell from grace but it saw over 1,200 views and I gained 46 new followers in less than a day. 


The pink basketball icon in the footer of my site (the Dribbble logo) links to my Dribbble page so you can always peek at what I'm working on.​




New Art: Jarrow Montessori School

​I was commissioned to illustrate a poster of Jarrow Montessori as part of a fundraiser for the school. The oldest Montessori school in Colorado, Jarrow sits on a large property scattered with classroom buildings and outdoor play areas.

For the poster, I used an abstract perspective in order to include all the important landmarks across the long, deep property. The entrance gate and the covered walk between buildings welcomes schoolchildren and visitors. Beyond, I shift perspective as if we're looking down on the school. The sunrise in the east symbolizes the dawn of a lifetime of learning.

The poster art was "painted" on my iPad using a touch-sensitive paintbrush. This is a fairly new process for me, of which I've only done for a couple professional illustrations. 

The Jarrow poster is now in the Boulder posters gallery.​

​The poster on display at a fundraiser event.

​The poster on display at a fundraiser event.



2013 Bolder Boulder Poster


Having created dozens of Boulder art and posters, I'm honored to have finally illustrated the official Bolder Boulder poster for 2013.

Purchase from me at the same price as the Bolder Boulder store. Exclusive option: add artist's signature for free. 

I'll be doing a few poster signings in Boulder. Check the schedule. 

The BolderBOULDER is one of the largest 10k races in the world with over 50,000 runners. On Memorial Day, along with the large Boulder Creek Festival, the race brings hundreds of thousands of people to Boulder, Colorado.


New Gallery: Henry's Market Signs


New Gallery: Henry's Market Signs

Henry's Markets is a grocery chain with stores inspired by local farmers markets. I designed sixteen signs to hang in store aisles to identify food sections. I enjoyed illustrating various foods and their packaging.

Note: I have since removed the gallery page from my site because my Whole Foods art better represents my grocery store illustration.



Why I Rejoined Twitter

​In the fall of 2011...

I became fatigued by managing too much social media, so I henceforth quit Twitter. I hadn't tweeted in a few months anyway. With 655 followers, I deactivated my account.

Now I'm back!

Follow me here: @Lowtwait.

I returned because I'm more comfortable with what I can get from social media without caving to the always-on pressure of modern connectivity. I don't have to constantly check it. I don't have to post the monotonous details of my days. I use it for sharing my art and connecting with the prolific design and technology communities in Colorado and beyond.




Holiday Star Greeting Card

If you live in Boulder, Colorado, you'll recognize this as the star on Flagstaff Mountain shining above the town. I created it not only to capture the season in Boulder, but to represent the spirit of the holidays in America, no matter where you live.

It's for sale on Card Gnome where you can personalize it online and let them mail it to your recipient. Or you can order it for yourself to write in by hand.

Get the Winter Star greeting card here before December 16th so it arrives on time.


Why did I change CampSteve?


Why did I change CampSteve?

I created the first version of CampSteve.com in 2002, made with the tech du jour, Flash. It was my first website and a horribly inefficient experiment in putting my art on the internet. But it was novel just to have anything online in those days.

I then launched a whole new CampSteve in 2009, a time when it was standard for an artist to have their work online. I needed a real portfolio site to sell my illustration and design skills, along with a poster store. It looked great and served me very well, but the software I used to create it was cumbersome and hard to update.

Then a few months ago, I discovered Squarespace, an online website publishing service with very slick tools and features for creating and managing websites. After a little experimentation, I was sold!

This is the 3rd iteration of CampSteve and it's made for today's internet.

Besides the slick navigation and management tools in Squarespace, it has built in formatting for the mobile web. My new site looks great on phones and tablets!

It also works with high resolution images so that those with HD displays on their computers and devices get the best experience viewing my artwork. These features are important to me as an artist in an ever changing internet.

So please click around and enjoy my art. There are many new galleries that weren't in the last version.

The original 2002 CampSteve featured an animated "splash page" in my poster style.

The previous CampSteve.com was beautiful but difficult to manage. The blue Jeep with the red canoe is in all versions of my site. Do you see it here?



Welcome to the New CampSteve.com


I revamped my website from the ground up with more art than ever before.


The site is easier to navigate with big, bold images of my art. The poster store has been redesigned with several new prints for sale. There are also several new galleries that feature many of my latest works. Here are a few of them:

Public Art

Public Art

Card Gnome

Card Gnome

Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard Animation

Whole Foods

Whole Foods

Please click around and enjoy the new art!
